I went to make another ColourPop order last week, because it will not get here until the end of the month and it would have been a gift to myself for not purchasing makeup for a whole month, and I got one item in my cart. It was a highlighter, and I was curious on shipping. So i went and calculated it. Heres what I got....
Now lets calculate that into AUD
$35.47 Australian Dollars.
Like I love ColourPop - A hell of a lot.
But with my current money situation (I'm on a pension and have no paid job) I cannot afford to splurge that much. I don't even spend that much on clothes.
Like I UNDERSTAND why it costs so much. They are charging the full shipping fee. If it was $15 or $10 flat rate shipping worldwide I'd probably purchase.
But they ship on weight + how much it will cost them to ship it.
And with that. I have to say I can no longer afford to buy from them. Unless there is a free shipping coupon code, or they change this. Or I all of a sudden have the money to spare. But at this stage, its not possible.
So yeah. It saddens me to do this, but I can't. I'd rather have a roof over my head, and food in my stomach, and have a healthy life than sacrifice my money for things I don't really need.
Thats why I've never purchased from them. I'm hoping that sometime soon an Australian store will be an official reseller or something. I really really want to try them but I can't believe how expensive their shipping is ):